Terms of Service 1. FORUM AND GENERAL USER BEHAVIOUR 1.1. You have access to reading the Forum, except for private areas which may require specific previleges. 1.2. When registered and logged in, you can post new topics or polls and answer or vote in previously created ones in the Forum. 1.3. You have the freedom to express yourself without offending other users by infringing the established rules of conduct. 2. USER ACCOUNT 2.1. All accounts in this website are currently admin activated. The requirements for being validated by an administrator are being a coordinator or be endorsed by a coordinator. 2.2. As your password must be kept secret from others, we store it in an irreversible format. In the unlikely event of someone hacking into your account, we will not be held responsible. When you request your password, we will send you a new one to your email. 2.3. Your email addresses will not be displayed, given or sold. 2.4. Accounts should represent individuals and not groups. 2.5. We will only modify user account information based on the respective account owner request. 3. ACCOUNT SUSPENSION 3.1. We have the right to suspend your account at any time for any valid reason including, but not limited to, the disrespect of our terms of service and rules of conduct. 3.2. All suspended accounts will be archived and you cannot register using the same username or email addresses. 3.3. We won't delete user's accounts for any reason even if they are active or suspended. Only the user has power to delete its own account by requesting such via contact form. 4. LIABILITY 4.1. We will not be held responsible for any illegal actions performed by users on our communication mediums.